Politics, Monarchy & Media

At the end of our special May ‘Pray for Media’, London Prayer Walk, we gathered in Trafalgar Square, breathing in its historical and political significance.

The Houses of Parliament standing tall in the distance. The regal splendour of Buckingham Palace teasing us to our right, and the former home of the printed press, Fleet Street, imagined in the opposite direction. 

Standing at this confluence of politics, monarchy and media, little did we know that a General Election would be called just days later. Our prayers filled with a meaning beyond our understanding. But God knew. Where two or three are gathered, God is right there in our midst.

We were reminded of the 18th Century politician, Edmund Burke, who coined the phrase, the Fourth Estate, to emphasise the power of the media. A term originated from the traditional European concept of the three estates: the clergy, nobility and commoners. Burke recognised the importance of the media alongside the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government.

Our prayers were driven by a desire to see those in authority, positions of influence and power held to account. We prayed for an independent media free to rigorously challenge and question. We prayed for more Christians to consider media as an honourable profession, and a calling to serve our Lord. We prayed for each one of us to have a heavenly perspective, laying our prejudices at the foot of the cross.

Reflecting upon that important, and encouraging, time together in Trafalgar Square, I am reminded of the Biblical imperative that we are subject to our governing authorities.

Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.
— Romans 13:1

Brothers and sisters in Christ, we have this opportunity to engage in this truly amazing democratic gift. Let us lift our leaders in prayer, asking for wisdom, justice and compassion in their decision-making. Pray for men and women filled with integrity and decency who understand Jesus’ command to love our neighbour.  Pray for the media to ask those in politics who profess a faith, how these religious convictions shape their policy decisions.

For the nation, indeed the world, is crying out for people who live out these values, and are prepared to be God’s channels for his love, grace and compassion in the public square. Let us play our part in shaping a society that honours the One who created all things, including the idea of government for our common good.

Read more about our prayer walk here. And join us on 17 October at St Martin-in-the-Fields for our Engage conference! Book your place now: https://Engage2024.eventbrite.co.uk

Blog Author

Steve Cox

Chair of Trustees, Christians in Media


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