Unsung Hero

Dreams, strong faith, and family…

A moving and beautifully depicted story of the journey of the Smallbone’s as they made the courageous move to the USA during the 90's. David and Helen Smallbone, along with their six children (including a seventh on the way) grapple with fortitude, faith, and countless miracles experienced through bleak circumstances. For King & Country’s Joel and Luke Smallbone present their debut directing and producing work in this moving film. This incredible story of their own origins highlights precious family dynamics and reminds us of the treasure that a family and their faith can produce in some of the most testing experiences.

The unravelling development of the key characters within this film finds us in an emotional rollercoaster from the outset. We want the characters to win, succeed, and be ok. We are drawn into the raw realities endured by the Smallbones in their migration to the USA, with no security or clear destination in sight. We resonate with their sense of bold hope, as they search for a new future in a culture and land so different from their own. The vulnerability and weight of responsibility to care for a large and young family consumes the viewer. Holding our breath when food, rent, and hospital bills loom threateningly over this family.  The invocation of both frustration and empathy for the viewer is displacing, especially during the deep depression that captures David Smallbone in his tensions of being provider, protector, and steward over his family’s future. These realities resonate, and trigger our own thoughts of personal questioning, doubt, and uncertainty.

Unsung Hero reminds us that love and faith always wins. It restores a focus to the sacredness that is family. It reminds us of the power of living by true faith, despite harsh challenges and real-life obstacles. The film demonstrates that this potent combination of family, faith and love; forges paths to greatness and successes beyond that which is visible. That greatness is usually birthed through the lives and faithfulness of, ‘Unsung Heroes’.

Besides this being a film that speaks to us through the power of storytelling, watching Unsung Hero at our cinemas demonstrates our support for faith-based films. This is crucial for the filmmaking industry. We want to see more opportunities for filmmakers to be Kingdom influencers and show their life-affirming content through our UK screens.

You can watch Unsung Hero from 14 June in UK & Irish cinemas.

Listen to my exclusive Faith in Media podcast conversation with Luke and Joel Smallbone via Apple, Spotify or YouTube.

Blog Author

Carla Adebekun


Politics, Monarchy & Media


5 Ways to Craft the Perfect Podcast