New year, new you?

I'm sure we've all heard that phrase before. Positive intent, sheer will power and a renewed sense of personal determination are the underpinning elements of this emphatic phrase.

‘This year, everything will be different. You just wait and see!’ we proclaim boldly in the earlyJanuary days, way before we know the hurdles February or even the end of this first month, will have us meet.

I personally used to think I was incapable of change, often trying to make stuff happen based on a small spark of inspiration, belief or faith. I used to think of other people the same way, but as I have meditated on God’s words over the years, my thoughts have changed.

Why? because of these two powerhouse scriptures: 

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
— Romans 12:2
For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.
— Matthew 17: 20-21

My hope for you all, is that you would have these thoughts, renew your mindset this year: 

God has a plan for your life and a plan for the media industry. Your work and life has purpose, and where you are right now, is exactly where God needs you and your heart for his people to be.

All things work together (Romans 8:28) and all we need is a mustard seed sized faith, to see real change in our lives and the lives of the people we work and serve alongside. Remember that the very work he calls us to, he also has prepared for us to do (Ephesians 2:10).

Be encouraged that the co-workers God has called us to love and pray for, God is calling to himself too. Be encouraged that the leadership God has called you to serve alongside at work, is in need of the consistent love and wisdom of God to operate and function successfully. Your presence matters. 

Finally, friends, be encouraged, that whether you are speaking, writing, filming or podcasting, the voice and the words God has given you to speak are the very words that will plant seeds, that will help shape and change our industry for good in some way, for as long as God desires and intends it.

Be encouraged, Christian in media, that in this new year, your life has purpose, God has a plan and this new you is indeed being prepared to do new & good works, throughout the entirety of 2024.

Picture of Kwesi

Blog Author

Kwesi Darkwa

Kwesi currently works in the education sector as a Chaplain. Where he also produces 'Spiritual Reflection’ content for schools, as part of the wider Church of England development programme. He’s passionate about creatively connecting and communicating with young people.

Kwesi’s a husband, dad and when he’s not asking the questions that others may be afraid to ask, he loves sport, in particular football and is a Chelsea fan.

Kwesi’s a Mentoring Programme mentee currently interested in presenting, broadcasting, content creation and communication opportunities. Connect with him: @godcntrdlife.


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