May Pray for Media Recap

Over lunch on Thursday 16 May, dozens of people gathered around their screens to join together in praying for Christians in different sectors of media as part of this year’s Thy Kingdom Come.

Hosting the meeting was Carla Adebekun, our Faith in Media podcast Anchor, Presenter, HopeGene Gospel Artist, AstepFWD Host, and Co-Founder/Programme Director of Cohesia Connect. Carla welcomed us to the meeting, and passed onto the first speaker, Philip Tutt-Leppard, who is my mentor in the year-long Christians in Media Mentoring Programme, and Director 360 Integrated PR.

Philip spoke on the advent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, relating the responsibility the disciples had in communicating the gospel to the work that Christians in PR still have. He spoke very helpfully about the role of the PR department within an organisation, who act as a conscience, and led us in prayer that Christians in PR would be equipped with resilience, peace and courage, especially in times of crisis. .

After Philip, David L'Herroux, the CEO of UCB gave us some insight on how to manage pressure. Using Mark chapter 13 and the acronym W.A.T.C.H, he talked about taking care over our words, attitude, temptation, character, and household. We were reminded of the example of King David, whose pattern of seeking strength in the Lord before returning to the world was a useful reminder to get stuck into God's word. This also challenged us to use our lives as a billboard for Christ, as our actions are often a stronger witness to our non-Christian colleagues than our words. David led us in prayer for Christians under pressure, giving thanks for the opportunities, families, and positions that we have been given, and asking for help in resisting temptation in the workplace.

Picture of our speakers on the screen

Our speakers on the screen

Feyisara Olukoga, a Content Creator, Editorial Assistant and Podcaster and spoke next on the fear of the Lord. Having contracted tonsillitis some weeks before, Feyisara had found herself in a position where speech was physically uncomfortable, leading her to ask the question, ‘What would happen in a world where we were all judicious with our speech?’ Focusing on pod- and broadcasting, she spoke about the need to steward our voices, referencing Acts 2 and Peter's speech at Pentecost. Like Peter, we have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit, and our words must carry that same distinction in the noisy broadcasting scene.  She led us in praying for content creators and podcasters, that they would be brought close to God and that they would rely on God for impactful and weighty words. As one attendee commented, ‘God, guard the gate of our lips.’

At this point, Carla reminded us of the upcoming Global Day of Prayer for the Media, on Sunday 27 October, and showed us the promotional video – I was particularly excited for the line ‘set designers', which I got to read! She also spoke about the upcoming Engage 2024 Conference, on Thursday 17 October, in St Martin-in-the-Fields. Carla prayed for everyone in the call, before passing onto Josh Hinton, Head of Communications at the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity. He spoke on the value of work, drawing on Colossians 3:17,

“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

Then expanded on the purpose of work: which makes provision; brings chaos to order; releases potential; sparks joy; and creates beauty. It was a helpful reminder of the value God places on each of our individual jobs, and the ways in which we can resemble God through our work.

Work does not distract from the good stuff God has for you, it is the good stuff God has for you
— Josh Hinton

Josh led us in prayer for local and church media teams, that they would be given truth, honesty and winsomeness as they work.

In closing, Steve Cox, our Chair of Trustees led us in prayer. He prayed that we would be given clear vision, love and grace in abundance, integrity and authenticity, and genuine relationships and friendships.

Join us at our next lunchtime prayer meeting: Thursday 13 June, 12-1pm

Blog Author

Rachel de Blieck

Rachel is entering her final year at the University of Glasgow, studying English Literature and Film and TV studies. When not at uni, she works on one of her many craft projects on the go, sings or plays the trumpet.

Rachel’s a Mentoring Programme mentee currently interested in screenwriting, writing and broadcasting opportunities.


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