London Prayer Walk
Have you ever thought about a media prayer walk?
Well, after many months of planning the day came. In almost numbered perfection, of about 4,000 steps, we walked, talked, and most importantly praying together as we followed a bespoke route across London’s streets. It was so beautiful to experience my first media prayer walk and to do that with a group of amazing, enthusiastic and Christ-loving people.
Christians in Media community member Richard Smart, a well-experienced Blue Badge, City of London tour guide and advertising professional, wove together our route. Our two miles started at the prestigious 200 years old All Souls that sits close to the famous BBC media studios in the heart of Langham Place.
“The Christians in Media prayer walk was for me a real experience from a guiding viewpoint calling on others for their input. There was real deep knowledge of the media from different perspectives on the walk.
A reoccurring prayer theme was the challenges faced with being true to values and clearly communicating the truth in a direct manner.”
As we sat around a table in the John Nash designed church we began to connect and fellowship with Student Minister Ellidh opening our walk in prayers. Our first stops weren’t far away as we paused in prayer outside the BBC praying for the media organisation and broadcasting independence. Then reminisced on the concept of ‘Truth to Power’ at the nearby statue of George Orwell.
As we walked and prayed, we also stopped by at the Grade I listed All Saints Margaret Street. I cannot begin to describe how that solemn space made me feel. I would simply recommend visiting because it was so calming, inspiring and artistically enchanting! While Jocelyn-Anne Harvey, our Head of Operations, prayed at the garden entrance, Richard encouraged us to sit and take it all in, and that was what we did!
“Hope Together is about reaching everyone everywhere with the good news about Jesus…together, through Kingdom collaboration; and it starts with prayer.
So, it was great to work with Christians in Media on their London prayer walk for Thy Kingdom Come and combine the elements of reaching people, through prayer, together!
We are excited that this is the beginning of a Hope and Christians in Media journey
We pressed on to Golden Square, keeping our OIKOS Christians in Media group updated via the Hope for Every Home prayer app. Sammy Jordan from Hope Together prayed at Golden Square for independent radio and media. We then left the Georgian architecture and media/creative hub behind. Our steps took us towards the ever-bubbly and colorful lifestyle corner, where mixed inspirations flow like water - the Soho Photography Centre! Here, Kemi Bamgbose from Thy Kingdom Come led us in prayer for the photography and visual news industry, sharing a poignant thought on the importance of visual arts inspiration according to the scriptures.
Amidst the busy streets, growing crowds and blazing sounds of London’s West End we continued to the centre of Piccadilly Circus, where Richard led the prayer for the advertising industry with reference to some media giants such as Global, Bauer and JCDecaux...
At Leicester Square, the centre of all things media, I counted it a privilege to pray for new and emerging media creatives to be birthed in this iconic place, by making reference to Exodus 35:35, where we are reminded our creative skills are God-given gifts; He is the Creator of everything including all forms of media communications, radio, TV and theatre. As Christians in the media, and in all forms of creative space, it is important that we express our creativity in a way that elevates God’s glory and bring positive hope to humanity, and let our words, writings and expression carry power, love and grace always (see Proverbs 25:11, Colossians 4:6).
At Trafalgar Square, the intersection of where Media, Parliament and Monarchy meet, Steve Cox, Chair of Trustees prayed and gave an insightful brief about these and how politics can influence or shape the media trajectory of our lives. Then last but not the least our walk concluded in the beautiful sanctuary of St Martin-in-the-Fields . Another fitting church location with St Martin’s recently celebrating 100 years of religious broadcasting in the UK. Revd. Richard Carter encouraged us in the Dick Sheppard Chapel to pause and listen to the city sounds above the pavements and the tube rumbling underground before closing our walk with a blessing.
Indeed, being a part of this prayer walk, after three years post pandemic break was a breath of fresh air. From doing a risk assessment, researching on the weather, designing a graphic image of the location route, and the dedicated team of Christians that led each of the prayer sessions at every stop, it was an intentional spiritual exercise, and it only gets better by the grace of God.
As we anticipate the next edition of our London Media Prayer Walk, we’re grateful to all those who joined us, our church hosts: All Souls & St Martin-in-the-Fields and event partners: Thy Kingdom Come and Hope for Every Home. My prayer is that, as Christians in the market place of life, we shall be filled with the spirit of media excellence and creative boldness as we continue to be salt and light.
Finally, permit me to remind you to secure your early bird ticket for our Engage 2024 Conference as we’ll return to St Martin-in-the-Fields on Thursday 17 October. We’ll be addressing three critical industry questions about AI, our mental health and disagreeing well. Click on this link to book your place:
Till next time, every Blessings!
Blog Author
Pat Obilor, Media Assistant Volunteer
Pat Obilor, is a Kingdom lifestyle influencer and published author who shares her talents and skills across various creative and human relations sectors of Arts & Theatre, Digital Media, Youth/Women empowerment, and Hospitality Concierge.
Catch her on social media @patobilor